Optimize your baseplate design​

Optimize your baseplate design​

Access the free E-Learning course

  • What is Value Engineering and why this methodology is important to me?​

  • How can I optimize my baseplate and reduce my total cost of ownership?​

  • How can I ensure the selection of suitable anchors for my projects?​

  • How can Hilti help me with Profis Engineering and the new feature Smart Design?​

If you want to find answers to these and other questions, start our free course now!


Go on an eLearning journey to optimize baseplate designs with PROFIS Engineering through Value Engineering. Explore the significance of achieving cost-effective solutions without compromising quality or safety. Learn to integrate Value Engineering into your workflow to identify cost reduction opportunities and boost productivity.

Partner with Hilti to leverage PROFIS Engineering software, streamline the design process, and ensure compliance with industry standards.​

​Get ready to unlock the full potential of your structural designs with Profis Engineering and the new feature Smart Design!

Key points

The course provides a solid foundation on baseplate design optimization.​

The course will bring you the following benefits:​​

  • Understand what Value Engineering is.​

  • Understand why it is important and how to integrate to your workflow to optimize your design.​

  • Understand anchor utilization and safety factors in PROFIS Engineering and post-installed anchor design. ​

  • Efficiently optimize anchor designs using the Smart Design feature in PROFIS Engineering


Introduction to Value Engineering in Baseplate Design

The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of Value Engineering and its importance in structural design.

You will learn how applying Value Engineering principles with Hilti can lower your Total Cost of Ownership and enhance Value for Money in your projects.​

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Optimize your Baseplate Design with PROFIS Engineering

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of anchor utilization and safety factors in PROFIS Engineering. Furthermore, you'll learn how to adjust design parameters to optimize performance against the different failure modes, select the most suitable post-installed anchor for your application, and apply these concepts hands-on to a design optimization case study. ​

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Automated Baseplate Design with "Smart Design"

This course provides structural engineers with a comprehensive guide to value engineering and optimizing baseplate designs using Hilti's PROFIS Engineering software. Through detailed instructions and practical examples, you will learn to leverage Hilti's Smart Design feature to select appropriate anchors, reduce design time, minimize manual iterations by integrating advanced technology optimization algorithms, and lower material cost.​

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