Courses designed to maximise your productivity

  • What is and when to use a concrete overlay? 
  • What is the regulatory framework? 
  • How to apply a compliant deisign method?

If you ever had these questions, then this course is for you!


We know that concrete to concrete connections are only a small task in your daily job, but they are nevertheless important to guaranty reliability and safety to your project. To support you to be more efficient and to optimise the connection design process, we created a course about how to connect two layers of concrete. 

This course starts from providing basic info about these connections, till getting into detail regarding the design method. .

The content has been prepared by Hilti experts and it's available in E-Learning. 


The course provide solid basis on the understading and on the calculation of concrete overaly connections.

The course will provide the following benefits:

  • an updated overview on the most recent regulations and the implications to design these connections
  • the knowledge of the design method provided by TR066 and used in PROFIS Engineering
  • the course certificate.

The course Concrete Overlay Engineering Training can help you to reduce the time required for designing these kind of connections in a compliant way.


Introductions - Scope and objective

Introductions - Scope and objective

What do we mean with concrete overlay?

An introduction about this subject, providing definitions and analysing the main elements.

Design of a screw anchor and of a headed threaded rod

Design of a screw anchor and of a headed threaded rod

What are the regulations to follow and what is their content? 

An overview on the regulatory framework with a deep dive on the Technical Report 066, which provide a specific design method for these applications.

Design in case of hooked rebars

Design in case of hooked rebars

How can we design applications with hocked rebars?

This solution is not included in the TR066, but we developed a specific Hilti Method which will be explained in this section.

How to specify a Concrete Overlay application

How to specify a Concrete Overlay application

How to correctly specify these applications? 

This section analises the essential elements for a correct specification, providing info on the different installation methods to reduce mistakes and improve jobsite productivity.